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Practitioner Product Sample Test kit
Whether you use saliva testing, muscle testing, or a combination of both…you now have an additional tool to help choose the right treatment protocol for your patients. This Practitioner Sample Test Kit contains a sample of each of the eight kajarin products for use with muscle testing.

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Kajarin now has a Practitioner Test Kit for use in muscle testing. Whether you use saliva testing, muscle testing, or a combination of both…you now have an additional tool to help choose the right treatment protocol for your patients. Kajarin has developed a Practitioner Test Kit for you to use with your patients. Sometimes it can be hard to know which product and how many pumps is the ideal protocol for your patient. Some patients may need to use a product every day for 3-6 months, others may need to use a product every other day or twice a week to get the desired therapeutic effect. Dose and frequency may also change with time.


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  • Kajarin Practitioner Sample Test Kit for use in muscle testing. Containing a sample jar of each of the eight Kajarin products, this Practitioner Sample Test Kit helps you assess the correct starting dose and chose dose adjustment for ongoing use.

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